So I'm running Opensuse version 13.1 and I'm trying to install BYOND for the first time using wine. I'm running wine version 1.7.2. I've downloaded 507.1296_byond.exe and when I try and run it using wine it opens the install wizard and have told it to install BYOND in \home\usr\Byond. A progress bar shows up everything looks fine and then I tell it to finish and run BYOND and it just opens a black window with the logo and says Loading Game Information... I have no idea what to do with it because it just sits there and doesnt seem to do anything.
Wine has it's limitations sadly.

The big problem wine is probably running into is BYOND currently uses directx instead of openGL so DS is probably a no go. (DirectX is windows only)

Webclient games should still run though.

My advice is to keep BYOND strictly on a windows partition if your wanting to use dream seeker.

Alternatively, if your wanting to make games using linux - use Godot :
(Demo : )

Ok thanks.