by Yut Put
A hard-core marriage between Zelda, Dark Souls, and the original Epic.
Fun fact: Every day that I work on the game, my testers and I play through the entire thing from the beginning. Recursive development creates very thorough games, and if the game isn't fun enough to play 100 times, it isn't fun enough to play once.

You people like pictures, so here are some dumb pictures containing no game-play ;)

nerfed staffs, they now cost twice as much mana. Wayyyy too much kiting happened in yesterday's playthrough, it became obvious that staffs are a problem which promote campy PvE game-play due to their low resource consumption. this is a temporary solution; if they still promote the same campy game-play, i might have to put a uses limit on them like runes have or decrease their projectile range once more.

shurikens are now in the game. with them the engine can now support throwing weapons. the shurikens fire kind of like arrows but have a melee strong attack.

a 2h trident that shoots fire was added. why not. lunging basic attack, fireball strong attack.

2h lute that scales on charisma III which can both be swung and fire magic projectiles

walls that slam on the player were added to the engine's set of traps

added blowpipe. arrows with POISON. also fastest bow-type weapon in game

added dart traps. they are currently identical to dark souls and it's kind of funny but i probably have to change them

added shield bashing. You use the opposite mouse button the shield is equipped to while you are shielding. It pushes the shield out in front of you and deals stamina damage equal to the shield's weight. The cost for shield bashing is half of the shield's weight. If the target's stamina is depleted completely, the hitstun from bashing them is double. otherwise it is 4/10s of a second, which is standard hitstun for most moves. the amount of lag for shield bashing is a number of seconds equal to the min between 2 and the shield's equip weight/10. shield bash has a 0 frame startup animation

added some tween to shield lifting by accident when i was trying to add shield bashing to the engine lol

switches that require an active thing on them and switches that activate when players walk on them were added

fixed a bug where if you repeatedly place things on pressure plates they trigger over and over

add blink boots

added icons for the missing attributes, the attribute menu looks much nicer now

new mouse pointer was added, fits the game's resolution and uses a screen object instead of the default pointer

if you drowed while in the "swim" animation your character's neck was... broken

arrows can now use special elemental effects(lighting torches, burning down roots)

fixed a bug where you could grab objects that other people were holding(such as pots and boulders) and it would result in strange visual effects

walls adjusted in Bloodbrood so that the third room has walls the broodmother can tear down(for added spoopy)

fixed a bug where the mega broodmother(the red one) could spawn in a wall, making it unkillable

Adrakenid's spawn triggers were moved so that the boss can't spawn before you get the slide upgrade

Crystal of movement speed was overcorrected and had to be fixed

Staffs weren't making you face the correct direction when you fire them

You can no longer revive someone who is already being revived by someone else.

Fixed a bug where if you hotslot something to the right hand and relog the setting is defaulted to the left hand.

Fixed a bug where bows would always force the player to face the mouse pointer rather than only face the mouse pointer when knocking an arrow

Added some neat-o items to a secret shop that can be found after defeating Adrakenid. They're costly, but fill in a gap for players who make it to that point in the game with hefty pockets. Items that can be purchased include the blink boots, a warden's helmet, the flame trident, and a crystal of ascension

Adjusted the way the halberd is held by the player so that it looks less like the player is holding the halberd by the tip of the handle.

slides now travel 25% farther, have half of the end lag that rolls do, and cost

half of the stamina. Of course, slides don't offer invincibility like rolls do,

but in terms of combat they now have a distinct functionality as a fast movement


the difference between a weighed down roll and a light roll is slightly more

exagerrated now in order to emphasize a difference in playstyle. this should

correspond nicely with the fact that poise for all armor except cloth was

recently doubled.

made various adjustments to The Tower just to clean up the map in a couple tiles where things looked weird.

removed the breathe passive's hp regen(which did nothing anyway) in exchange for stamina regen, which makes much more sense.

ice passive was called ice in an earlier development state where i wasn't sure if i wanted a water element or ice element in the trifecta. obviously i've opted for the latter, because the ice passive is now called "water" and therefore also actually works now.

i love this one. mimics have been given a massive amount of poise, so that when you wake up the ungodly nightmares that await you in my dungeons, there won't be any running away.

fixed a bug where dust particles would never get deleted if they were emitted by large carryable objects(boulders, gargoyle statues) resulting in a small memory leak

fixed some tiles in the tower map area that were bugging me

Looks really great, can't wait to see more!