animate() now includes an optional flags parameter. There are only two flags defined presently:

ANIMATION_END_NOW: When interrupting another animation, end it immediately instead of transitioning out.

ANIMATION_LINEAR_TRANSFORM: When interpolating a transform matrix, use strict linear interpolation instead of trying to separate out the rotation. Linear interpolation lends itself to certain mechanical objects, beam effects, etc.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (509.1300)

This issue has been resolved.
As seen in this thread where the solution to the issue was best solved with linear interpolation rather than Animate() or Interpolate()'s method of doing it. Having a separate LinearInterpolate() function would be helpful, or maybe even just a separate option under Interpolate() to flag it as linear or otherwise.
This can be done pretty easily with operators, so I'm not too worried about it being a function. I'm mostly interested in providing this as an animation option.

This can be trivially soft-coded:

matrix/proc/LinearInterpolate(matrix/M2, t)
. = src*(1-t)
. += M2*t
To be fair, you did ask to drop a post here about it in the thread. I thought you just wanted a reminder or something. Lol.
Ah. I was thinking more in terms of the actual animation feature though. I'll want something to close as resolved when I get to that in 509.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
animate() now includes an optional flags parameter. There are only two flags defined presently:

ANIMATION_END_NOW: When interrupting another animation, end it immediately instead of transitioning out.

ANIMATION_LINEAR_TRANSFORM: When interpolating a transform matrix, use strict linear interpolation instead of trying to separate out the rotation. Linear interpolation lends itself to certain mechanical objects, beam effects, etc.
I'm counting this thread as pertaining to the need for linear interpolation within animation.