(See the best response by Zasif.)
Problem description:If I Open A New Dream Maker And Just Set Up Login And A Plan Map It Works Perfect Movement, Walking From Tile To Tile ( With Defaults )

But If I Add All The Art And Everything Else And Nearly Finished And Ready To Go I Get This Choppy Tile Movement, What Could Cause This And How Can I Fix It.

Note :Not Wanting Pixel_Movement, Wanting Old Tile Base :3

Best response
Are you using anywhere in the code, bound x,y this might be the cause of it. It turns Tiled movement into pixel movement.
even if it is on a turf?? because i have it on one tree.
Yes, remove it from the Tree.
It works, Thank you, had no idea that changed it ^_^ learn as you go i guess.
If any of step_size, step_x, step_y, bound_x, bound_y, bound_width, or bound_height are neither 0 nor a multiple of your icon size (i.e. 32, 64, etc.), then the whole world is kicked into pixel movement mode, which disables tile gliding.
Instead of bound use pixel_x,pixel_y and make the Tree an obj.

layer= MOB_LAYER+50
density = 1

The density will always be a 32x32 tile because the world is set to default 32x32, so you have to use that and center it on the tree with pixel_x,pixel_y
I'd like to open this again, maybe make it so when we use bounds it doesnt switch to pixel movement automatically. We dont need it to be pixel by pixel it will work just fine if we can set up like 32x64, 64x96, etc.
You can already use bound_width/height that are multiples of tile width/height.

That's been built into BYOND since... I dunno, 2009 or 2010?

Also, turfs don't have bound variables, so... I have no idea where that came from.
In response to Zasif
Kaiochao wrote:
If any of step_size, step_x, step_y, bound_x, bound_y, bound_width, or bound_height are neither 0 nor a multiple of your icon size (i.e. 32, 64, etc.), then the whole world is kicked into pixel movement mode, which disables tile gliding.
Having the world set to 32, and setting a mob bound w/h to 64 still kickes into pixel movement, unless I'm doing it wrong.
Works just fine for me. Show your code?

I just tested this, so I know it's still working.