mob/verb/Send_Game.dmb(a as file)
shell("mkdir [usr.ckey]")
/home/[usr.ckey] << ftp(a,"Game.dmb") //the question is here.... how do i send the file to the direc >> C /home/[usr.ckey] ?
shell("cd [usr.ckey]")
shell("DreamDaemon Game.dmb 7771 -safe -logself &")

How do i make this two verbs to work together ? is the code right ?

... what?
sweet mary and joseph
are you asking how this would be done or are you asking what is wrong with this code
the question is here.... how do i send the file to the directory >> C /home/[usr.ckey] ?
Are you looking at Export() or Topic() ?
im asking if its the the code is right and if is wrong how do i fix it :]:
So, you're trying to send a file to the player's C: drive in a specific location?

Don't you think that's a bit of a security risk?

Just send the file to the player via ftp() without trying to force the directory, and then have Play_Server() let them go into their own computer and find the .dmb.
well not as risky... if not gonna be used as a back door or anything like that... is only for the user , to upload the .dmb file to the server ( start their own game)
In response to Teteu322
Could you give us a little more information as to what you're trying to do?
im trying to create a vps system , and the code is going to be used to give the user (players) a chooice to get their file hosting (.dmb) to the server... and start it . with an interface... just like a shell server...