(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
Heya, how are u?

Ok, Imagine that I have 3 different icons.
-->Icon Number 1 - "A" icon
-->Icon Number 2 - "B" icon
-->Icon Number 3 - "C" icon

Is it possible to join these 3 different icons into a SINLGE new icon?

Icon Number 1 + Icon Number 2 + Icon Number 3 = Icon Number 4 = "ABC"

I want to be able to do this through code. Not using the icon editor (by copying and pasting the icons 1,2 and 3 into a new icon).

I hope that I could explain this correctly.
Thanks as always
You can use icon.Insert() for these types of things.
In response to Nadrew
Hummm I'm not very familiar with the Insert proc but isn't it for creating animated icons only?

Let me explain my problem again:
I have 3 icons: A yellow, red and blue square.
I want to join all of those 3 squares (side by side), so I would get a rectangle.
###     ###      ###      #########
### + ### + ### = #########
### ### ### #########
(yellow)(red) (blue) Result

set category = "Icons"
var/icon/Result = new
for(var/i=1 to 3)
Result.Insert('IconFiles.dmi',"[i]",frame=i) //i = 1 (yellow square); i=2 (red square); i=3(blue square)
src.icon = Result

The code that I wrote(the one above) doesn't do what I want it to do... I mean, I don't want the Result to be splited by frames (It isn't supposed to be an animated icon). I want it to be a static icon composed by those 3 squares (side by side).
Best response
Seems like you'd have to Crop to resize the icon to the largest size, then use Blend with ICON_OVERLAY and the correct x-coordinate.
In response to Kaiochao
Thanks Kai :)
In response to Misticone
Misticone wrote:
Hummm I'm not very familiar with the Insert proc but isn't it for creating animated icons only?

No, you can use Insert() to add multiple states to an icon, not just to create animations.

But if you want to combine colors from multiple icons into a single state, Blend() is what you want.