(See the best response by Super Saiyan X.)
set hidden = 1
if(src.canload == 0)return

var/savefile/F = new("[src.ckey].sav")
Read(F) //error comes from here
var/image/i = new/image(F["i"],src)
src.image = i
src << i
world<<output("<font size=1><font color=green><B>Info: <font color=white>[src]([src.key]) has loaded a character...","info")
src.loc = locate(F["X"],F["Y"],F["Z"])
if(src.ko == 1)
src.ko = 0
if(src.isSleeping == 1)src.sleep_cycle()

issonared = 0
whosonared = null
src.canmove = 1
src.isfly = 0
src.grabbing = 0
src.grabbed = 0
src.whoGrabbed = null
src.whoGrabbing = null
src.canload = 1
loggedyet = 1
logged = 1
online += "<font color=[src.player_clr]>([src.key])[]"
winshow(src, "outputs", "show=0")
winshow(src, "window1")
else alert(src,"You have no save")

Problem description:
The above load code produces the error "Cannot append to list" when a certain object is in a player's inventory. Can someone at least tell me what that error code means? It runs from line 36, which is " Read(F)"

Also, my tile based movement has randomly stopped gliding. I didn't change anything, except rearange the game map, and added some code regarding player stat gains that has no effect on player movement. I tried fiddling with world FPS, and gliding settings, but they all make absolutely no difference. I had this issue before and raising world FPS fixed it but it's suddenly come up again and FPS isn't the issue, am I missing something else that effects how icons glide with tile based movement?
Best response
Does anything on your map have step_x or step_y set? Changing these to something that isn't a multiple of world.icon_size will try to turn on pixel movement.
Ahh this could be it. I nudged several objects on the map to a step_y of 10 and my icon_size is the default 32. I didn't know this would happen, thank you.

Now I just need to figure this damn load issue.