Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Open

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Could we perhaps have the ability to fan other users via the BYOND Pager?
Yut Put wrote:
im pretty sure you just look up their name and click add friend

iirc fans are just friends you havent added back

Oh, so fans are just those who have added you but you haven't added?

I didn't know that. I thought that feature was lost in the old pager. Good to know, thanks man!

EDIT: So if you add them back, are they removed from the fans list?

EDIT2: I'm pretty sure friends and fanning are not related? I think fans are literally those who've gone and fanned you. I just want to be able to do that from the pager as well. On the website you can friend and fan people. Should be able to as well on the pager.
There's still a little terminology overlap in play. The pager refers to people who've friended you, where it's not mutual, as fans. But for the site's purposes, fanning someone is equivalent to adding them to your favorite users, which gives you updates when they make a new forum post.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
There's still a little terminology overlap in play. The pager refers to people who've friended you, where it's not mutual, as fans. But for the site's purposes, fanning someone is equivalent to adding them to your favorite users, which gives you updates when they make a new forum post.

Ah, I see. Now I understand. I feel like the terminology should be cleared up and for the functionality of both features to work mutually on the web end and the pagers end.

Perhaps those who have you added as a friend, but you have yet to add could be called something other than Fans on the pager.

Then fans on the pager could actually display the people you've fanned. Along with the option of fanning/unfanning while viewing members profiles.

Then you could have a followers option that shows a list of users that have fanned you.

Just some thought.