I am trying to host a game I used to play on byond all the time I have the host files etc. I have it port forwarded (BYOND hub reports port 25565 can be reached by players.) Using Dream Daemon buut when I try to join using the byond client it does a connection failed. but if I were to click the arrow above stop it would load me in no issue and show others that I'm in the server. I don't know if I did something wrong or anything.
How are you joining the game?

Can others join the game?

Some routers won't let LAN clients using the WAN IP address to connect to internal PC's if that's the case and everyone else can connect, you need to use your LAN IP or Localhost if you're playing/hosting on the same PC

I can join the game if I load into it using the Dream Daemon. But if I try to load into it using the byond client connection fails. I am not completely positive if someone can join but I had my friend try on his laptop and he couldn't connect.