I needed some admin only commands, how can I make a file, that every command I write there will be admin only??
And How can I make OOC to everyone but only Admin OOC with color and tags?
Could you be more specific as to what you want? What do you mean by color and tags for administrators only?
Lord, like this!

When Admin type in say or ooc will show like

<div><span style="color:#ff0000;">A</span><span style="color:#ff7f00;">d</span><span style="color:#ffff00;">m</span><span style="color:#00ff00;">i</span><span style="color:#00ffff;">n</span></div> Chokitu
In response to Chokitu
Ah. Well then.

For admininstrator-only commands, I'd recommend putting them in their own type-path. Something like...

// The following snippet is an example. Use at your own risk.

// Create a list of adminstrators. We enter their canonical key into this list.
var administrators[] = list("chokitu")

// An example of a simple administrator verb. It appears in its own statpanel tab.
set category = "Admin"
usr.density = !usr.density

// Is our ckey in the admin list? If so, you get some shiny new commands!
if (src.ckey in administrators)
src.verbs += typesof(/admin/verb)

return ..()

mob/verb/OOC(t as text)
if (length(t) > 0)
var speaker

if (src.ckey in administrators)
// If you're an administrator, then you get the fancy colorful admin tag.
speaker = "Admin []"

// Otherwise, players do not.
speaker =

world << "[speaker]: [t]"

Can u add me in byond so we can talk more?
I am kind of new
I mean, How will I make