Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Hey, how are you?

Developer Help
Sometimes I find myself scrolling on the developer help section looking for unanswered questions so I can provide some help if I can. It would be really nice if there was an Unanswered section inside the developer help forum that would sort all the unanswered questions (like in stackoverflow).That way it would be much easier to help people.

Classified Ads
Also, It would be very nice if the classified ads posts had a status variable (open, closed) so we wouldn't apply for jobs that are already taken.

Thanks for your attention.
Keep up the amazing work. Thanks to you byond is being taken to a much higher level.
I agree!
(Btw, if you want to help me with my 'Dev Help' problem it is the Soundmob post. I need someone to look over Koil's soundmob library and try to fix the runtime error that is produced from stationary sounds. Koil got on yesterday and I sent him some pages' but he didn't respond... :( )
Just leaving this here so this subject isn't dropped
I am in favour of this suggestion, the first makes sense, and the second is something i have also thought about when going through ads before.