Here is some stuff I've done this year. I've bounced around doing some stuff for Beyond Skyrim Hammerfell and some byond project that probably won't get done. Lol.

Also, there is nudity in these pieces.

 photo Thick48x_base_zpsgwlxm8i2.gif

IFRAME: slideshow/Sprites%202014/Works%20of%202015
Something of my race palette that I added.

 photo Female_Murrling_Reduced_zpsmqvqbyyt.jpeg
Wow! This is pretty awesome. Be my sensei and teach me figure drawing ;)
In response to A2J2TIWARI
No offense but you been doing art to long to still need a mentor lol..
Uh, cubes, cylinders, spheres, and then anatomy. Lol.

I'm eventually going to reduce the scale of all the race palette-if I don't decided to redo them because little nit-picky things(like those legs...or maybe not, ugh.)-and color them.

Also, you can always use another person advice when doing this kind of thing. Though, I'm not sure about being anybodies mentor. Jeff Watts might set you straight on a lot of things.
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
No offense but you been doing art to long to still need a mentor lol..

"A true master is an eternal student."
Right, never stop learning.

This is something I did last night that I'm going to make some overlays for a base I've made.

 photo 640b8344-7d35-420a-9b03-f6f9c6162d98_zpsh108fn3n.jpg
I've got the hair done for the all my base states, this is my isometric run cycle of the character so far.

 photo FemaleSaiyanCharacter_NoNameYet_zpswvv7ivwq.gif
I absolutely love your art!
In response to Candle_Jack_9000
Candle_Jack_9000 wrote:
I've got the hair done for the all my base states, this is my isometric run cycle of the character so far.

 photo FemaleSaiyanCharacter_NoNameYet_zpswvv7ivwq.gif

U draw A lot better than me I need more practice but ur run state's are a bit stiff and shaky I suggest leaning the body forward more, adding a slight twist to the head, animate the hair giving it a bounce and maybe less in between frames so it appears her legs are moving faster the chest also need to rotate with her arm a bit more.

If ur doing male and female based I suggest making separate state's for each as that run state is a bit manly for a woman or just scrap it all and create a unisex base.
In response to Southv2
Yeah, I believe the shoulders and the hips probably could be pushed to create more contrapposto, I even thought about putting in a breast bounce. Lol. I know I might go back and add a hair bounce once I complete all the clothes. I feel I need another 2 frames to this to really make it smooth and solid but I don't want the extra work at the moment of another two frames. I've got a six frame walk and run, and I've decided to commit with the BOF4 walk-and-run frame count for movement. I think in total between the male and the female I've got about 500 frames counting some copy paste.

 photo FemaleSaiyanCharacter_NoNameYet_Clothed_zpsy87xzuxf.png
This is about all the progress I got with this characters clothes so far today. I might have more in the morning if I manage to not sleep tonight. Hopefully, the caffeinated tea I'll be brewing will help.

Edit:Oh, sheeze, almost forgot I had an armlet-anklet-bracelet layer.

 photo FemaleSaiyanCharacter_NoNameYet_Clothed_zps1mb7q1iy.png

And thanks for the critique. And thanks for the compliment A2J2. :D
500 frames that's crazy lol you should just make a unisex base like Southend said. If you do so your more entitled to finish your project.
In response to Ganite
Oh, I know it's pretty crazy. I'm going do 500 frames on something like this guy, and then also make a gal or female version. I've gotta make another attempt at the body It's not feeling right. :S

 photo MurTransformed_zpsdnu1cotd.png

And here are some of the races I've done:
 photo Insectoids_zps1jgbykvv.png

Still need to add wings to all the frames to this. >_>"

 photo Rabbit-Gods_zpsa2ikhydv.png

Still don't feel satisfied with the ears or the colors. I wanted more of a silhouette.

 photo Mur_Male_zpsebfo1mpx.png

This is essential done. :D

 photo Amphibians_zpsolio7baq.png

Need to put a tail on this salamander-mans bum.

I have one more race for my race-palette, plant people, but that's a pretty simple recolor. :)
Lol. The base is about 25 states, and actually looking back and trying to take your little bit of your warning I could just drop two and maybe more states. Because spear thrusting is like a punch and let my mild obsession with that the hand being in the right position to go. Maybe I don't need the super fast movement blur as part of the base. The thing that carries the most number of frames is movement because I did both a walk and run cycle of 6 frames. Everything else isn't that heavy on the frames being less than 4.
Because I'm jumping sometimes between different mediums at times, which I don't have a good grasp of I don't feel like getting into programming.