BYOND Version:508
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 44.0.2403.155
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
If an object is on the screen and you have MouseEntered() perform an action to make another screen object appear (such as a description) but clicking would cause the initial object to disappear, the description would not disappear with it.
Example Script:
icon = 'Tactician.dmi'
icon_state = "TT"
screen_loc = "CENTER-2,CENTER+2"
var/class = "Tactician"
var/description = "<font style='color:#00b8ff;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;text-align:left;' valign='top'>Tactician: </font>"
if(istype(usr, /mob/attackable/player))
var/mob/attackable/player/p = usr
var/Soldier/soldier = p.SoldierSetup
soldier.class = src.class

if(istype(usr, /mob/attackable/player))
var/mob/attackable/player/p = usr
var/obj/ScreenObjects/SquadScreen/ChoiceDescription/cD = p.ChoiceDescription
cD.maptext = src.description

if(istype(usr, /mob/attackable/player))
var/mob/attackable/player/p = usr
var/obj/ScreenObjects/SquadScreen/ChoiceDescription/cD = p.ChoiceDescription
cD.maptext = ""

maptext is not set back to "".

If you need a demo, let me know. I'll try to produce one.
If the object is just vanishing, you're not really moving your mouse off of it, and since it's vanished, there's nothing to cause the trigger. You can call MouseExited() manually, however.
In response to Nadrew
The funny thing is, it does this for us in DS. But not WebClient.
This probably also means that the obj moving won't trigger it. I can understand why: DS has some code as I recall to force mouse hit updates in these cases. With our StageXL setup this might be harder to do.