BYOND Version:508.1298
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 45.0.2454.78
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
/tg/station's isbanned() returns true (well, you know what i mean by 'true') if ckey,ip, or cid is blank.
Banned by host: Your computer provided invalid or blank information to the server on connection (byond username, IP, and Computer ID.) Provided information for reference: Username:'MrStonedOne' IP:'' Computer ID:'' If you continue to get this error, please restart byond or contact byond support.

Seems to happen every time.
Bump, happening in 1311
This is a known issue.
The webclient does not provide a true computer_id. That's planned for the future. But I can add something for the connection type if that would help.
The webclient has a Cid. And it shows up in is banned on normal webclient connection just fine.

I see no reason why reboot is getting treated specially.
A connection type in is banned might be helpful, but the core bug, that Cid is null on is banned on world reboots only would still be a bug.
Oh, it's on reboot. That I can look into.

You could really use some hired help so you have enough time that you can stop skimming posts and missing important details.
Yeah, I missed it in the subject line earlier. In fairness, the print is awfully tiny when I read it on my iPad.

Well, there's your problem! =P