Not Feasible
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Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
The ability to set a verb for an object that instead of being in your contents is in another list and/or attached via a variable.

set category = null
var give = round(src.exp)
ALERT(usr,"You bury the [name]. \[Prayer exp + [give]]")

The following verb will not appear in the statpanel unless it's in the player's contents instead of another list called items. :(
I can see this requiring a new list and a new src setting.
set src in usr.usables // a new src setting
usr << "You use [src]."

// add a new object to usables to see all its verbs with "usable" src setting
usables += new /obj/thing
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
I can see this requiring a new list and a new src setting.
> obj/thing
> verb/use()
> set src in usr.usables // a new src setting
> usr << "You use [src]."
> mob
> Login()
> ..()
> // add a new object to usables to see all its verbs with "usable" src setting
> usables += new /obj/thing

Even a work-around would be awesome, I'd like to be able to use associative lists as well with my example :C guhh
In response to Kozuma3
Well, there's always... not using verbs. You could list button objects in a statpanel that call a proc when clicked.

Or you could actually put the thing in the player's contents.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Or you could actually put the thing in the player's contents.

Or any other referenced list that can be fed into a statpanel. That would be at least marginally more mobile.
As far as I can tell, the only reason you might avoid "just using contents" is if you wanted a single item's verbs to be accessible by multiple mobs. Kinda like how a single object can be in multiple client.screen lists.

It's not relevant to the request, but I'm curious why Kozuma's avoiding using contents in the example provided. If not to include the same item in the items list of multiple people, why wouldn't you just put the item in contents?

Speaking of client.screen, here's a slightly undocumented feature that you might be able to use as a workaround:
set src in usr.client.screen
If the object doesn't have a screen_loc, it shouldn't show up in the HUD, but verbs with that src setting should be accessible to anyone who has the object in client.screen.
Are we making BYONDscape here?
Are we making BYONDscape here?

Nigga, you see any cannonballs in that source?
The "set src" system is very limited. Expanding this to a use a user-defined list really isn't feasible.
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Speaking of client.screen, here's a slightly undocumented feature that you might be able to use as a workaround:
> set src in usr.client.screen
If the object doesn't have a screen_loc, it shouldn't show up in the HUD, but verbs with that src setting should be accessible to anyone who has the object in client.screen.

Going to try this out :) and if this fails the button idea will work for sure, just didn't want to use the mob's contents because I have that tied with movement and such, didn't know they had to be strictly in your contents to use verbs haha.