BYOND Version:508
Operating System:Windows XP Home
Web Browser:Chrome 45.0.2454.85
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
/obj/attack_hand -1619.079 1.921 294.180 56523
/datum/proc/Destroy -11477388.000 0.273 0.298 402126

Descriptive Problem Summary:
i found these two at the bottom of the profile, they are really wide procs that cover a bunch of different calls, so I can't really say what triggered this yet.
I can't really say what caused it, I'll post more updates if I see it happening again. I was reading the profile with the client.
attack_hand() is the parent proc used when a human mob clicks on an object with an empty hand (happens a lot)
Destroy() is the parent proc used to eliminate references, so objects can garbage collect in our GC controller safely.

I'll update too when I find out the exact OS of the server, I only remember that it's a windows.
The actual OS is server 2012 r2 datacenter

Descriptive Problem Summary:
I found this thingie on top of the self-CPU chart in a profile

Self-CPU: 1297.950
Total-CPU: 0.180
Real time: 0.180
Calls: 51

The Self-CPU number is huge and the total-CPU is basically nothing.
I do not know how to reproduce it. Said proc never does that and there was no lag spike felt in-game, it seems to be just an error in the profile. This happened in ss13 /tg/ branch, but like a year ago I saw it happened in the /vg/ server too under another object and proc.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
/mob/living/carbon/electrocute_act(shock_damage, obj/source, siemens_coeff = 1.0, override = 0)
shock_damage *= siemens_coeff
if(shock_damage<1 && !override)
return 0
"<span class='danger'>[src] was shocked by \the [source]!</span>", \
"<span class='userdanger'>You feel a powerful shock coursing through your body!</span>", \
"<span class='italics'>You hear a heavy electrical crack.</span>" \
jitteriness += 1000 //High numbers for violent convulsions
stuttering += 2
jitteriness = max(jitteriness - 990, 10) //Still jittery, but vastly less
return override
return shock_damage

The code of that proc is old, but there's nothing that could justify that high number in self-cpu, and as I said, there was no 'feel' of a huge lagspike
Just throwing an idea out there, midnight rollover?
In response to Clusterfack
Clusterfack wrote:
Just throwing an idea out there, midnight rollover?

Yep, midnight rollover causes this.
technically it's still a bug, Midnight rollover could delay until there are no active procs, or it could raise a flag/inc a number so timing procs can take it into account.