I'll be off at a Moliere everyone should have fun without me (like they always do).

My parting gift is a revision of DragonSnot that contains Guy's first draft of selection buttons and implements his suggestion of macros for the selections.

So now you can type the numbers 1-5 to select a trench. This makes the game more strategic and reduces the amount of hand-eye coordination it requires (could this be the beginning of the end of Spuzz's world domination?)

If you'd like to experiment with creating your own macros (see the best-selling book The Dream Maker for instructions!), the hidden verbs to access are:


You can tie any keys you want to these verbs.

This is also the first release of DragonSnot will fully commented code (for DDT code review), but it doesn't seem to implact gameplay much.

[edit] WIth this release of DragonSnot I am also experimenting with turning on the client.macro_mode. That means that to talk you need to type /say (or turn on the auto-talk thing between games).

Next release I'll add a macro for the say command.
On 10/31/00 1:35 am Deadron wrote:
I'll be off at a Moliere everyone should have fun without me (like they always do).

Oops you'll have to not have fun with me...or something like that. The play was rescheduled and I didn't get informed until just now.