Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
if you do:

var/list/matchingban = ..()

And that matching ban is a sticky match of a ban evader, there is no way, in code, to see the key/ckey of the matching ban.

So if totallynotabanevader matches a sticky ban on griffinglittleshit, I can't print the name of the original banned ckey in the access log, or show it to the user for ban appeal reasons, and this can make finding the ban harder if they appeal it.

I suppose I could loop thru GetConfig() and try to find it by looking at the keys field, but that is just way harder than it really needs to be, and there is no guarantee that would even work 100%.
Maybe, a "parentban" param in the list IsBanned() returns?

It'd just be pulling the name/ip/id of user in whose "keys"/"IP"/"computer_id" the sticky banned user's name appears in.
Bans are generally tied to a ckeyex, so I would assume it would just be a ckey param.