(See the best response by Ter13.)
This has blocked me for like 5 hours just thinking on how to do it im trying to put these together the blank tile is actually white air sort of invis from the view in the screenshot but um... anyone know how to put them together? like what place to i put according to what number x.x


I have seen something like this but i dont know how the icon is peices together based on the state... or do i have to identify this myself
You don't need to break up icons like this since 2010.

If you are still using TILED_ICON_MAP format, you should stop now because it was deprecated over five years ago.
Seriously o.o oh my god thank you let me try this right now but wait what do i do in order to use larger icons without coding them by part.. like what map format etc?
By default world.map_format is TOPDOWN_MAP, which doesn't break icons up into 32x32 parts.
In response to Ter13
Maybe that little bit of info should be slipped into compiling time like it is for the rest of deprecated features.

I was even still using it (before pondera's shift to 64x graphics.)

Thanks for the heads up (although, I had already quit using it).
Best response
I'm not sure what else to do to clear up the misconception. We've done our damnedest to spread the word about this feature, which was introduced in v455: (11 Nov 2009)

But the BYOND community's utter refusal to abandon stolen and leaked source code from 2001-2003, and its almost complete community-wide inability to read any of the documentation about any feature in the engine... I mean, what can we do?

We've had numerous, numerous posts about the web client over the last year, and still only three people are using it.

We still have this cancerous fear of native pixel movement being "laggy", when it's been proven time and time again that it's just not.

We still have people thinking "native pixel movement" is only enabled by Forum_Account's pixel movement demo.

We still have people using icon manipulation to do stuff that could easily be taken care of by v500 features like color and blend_mode.

The majority of games on BYOND barely use any of the 3.5 or 4.0 features that were introduced other than just ever so slightly changing the default BYOND skin to make their game's window teal or black instead of windows slate.

It's maddening. I have no clue how to better spread the word about it to the masses, because frankly every single attempt has been basically ridiculed by the uninformed as me being a "dick", and "expecting too much" from people (because it's so hard to read a tutorial). I've had my attempts called "walls of text" and been insulted for trying to help.

At this point, the ignorance is willful and I'm not that motivated to continuing to try to correct it for people who aren't willing to look further than what had already been done poorly in 2001.
In response to Ter13
Consider that people want to use an available source, either to learn or attempt to make a game. So, consider that if you created a "Best Practices" framework, that would instantly combat the old sources.

Make your "Best, Updatedest Practices" framework available to all and you will soon conquer your enemy!~ :)