(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
loading baystation12.dme
code\game\objects\effects\ src: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'
code\game\objects\effects\ list started here
baystation12.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings

for(var/mob/M in src.loc)
M.gib() //owie
for(var/turf/T in oview(1)
if(istype(T, /turf/simulated/wall/magnet))
var/datum/gas_mixture/G = T.return_air()
for(var/xgm_gas/A in G.gas)
if( == "hydrogen")
var/B = G.moles
G.gas = list() //wipes the list, all gases gone
G.total_moles = 0
var/datum/gas_mixture/C = new /datum/gas_mixture(T.loc)
C.gas["helium"] += B
C.temperature = 1e8 //fusion is hot //maybe change later if its broken and glitchy
new /obj/effect/fusion(A.loc)

Problem description:
First, please do not judge; this code is in an early alpha and I'm just getting the hang of SS13's atmos system. Anyway, I'm doing a simple run through of all of the bordering turf to check if the spread of the nuclear fusion should stop. I am getting the second error on the line of codeline 13 here, and the second error in a file I didn't edit, and previous compiles were fine. This is the only code I have changed.
Best response
You're missing an end parenthesis ("missing right-paren ')'"):
        M.gib() //owie
for(var/turf/T in oview(1) // here
if(istype(T, /turf/simulated/wall/magnet))
In response to Kaiochao
man im dumb, thanks though