BYOND Version:509.1303-1304
Operating System:Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 41.0, Chrome 45.0.2454.101 m
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Music repeats fine in Dream Seeker but not in Webclient

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Walkeded/teleported to any locations in-game that have music set to play and is set on repeat.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
usr << sound("null")
usr << sound("FileName.ogg", repeat=1, volume=60)

There is also another copy of this using the Entered() proc for when manually moving to a new area instead of using the teleport system.

Expected Results:
Music should play on constant seamless loop in webclient

Actual Results:
Music plays once and then stops in webclient

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every Time
In other games? Untested
In other user accounts? In all of my test accounts, guest or otherwise.
On other computers? On all test computers.

When does the problem NOT occur?
When using Dream Seeker to connect to the game.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? 508.1299

Workarounds: None found besides reversion.

Something's fishy, because 509 changed absolutely nothing in the code governing music in the webclient. Did you test your exact same code in 508.1299, or are you comparing to the last time you knew your code worked? The exact same code should not be experiencing a difference in sound output between those two versions.

I will say that sound("null") is wrong; you want that to be sound(null). Likewise the double quotes around your music file should be single quotes. But that's probably not connected to the issue.
Huh, you're right and I must be mis-remembering. I just reverted back to 1299 and it's still not repeating in the web client.
I had experienced some problems with looping music in the past in the Webclient ( ID:1744770 ), which I believe still happens. But if I recall correctly, it was only with Mozilla Firefox while using mids; It had otherwise worked OK with other sound files or IE/Chrome.
In response to Higoten
Higoten wrote:
I had experienced some problems with looping music in the past in the Webclient ( ID:1744770 ), which I believe still happens. But if I recall correctly, it was only with Mozilla Firefox while using mids; It had otherwise worked OK with other sound files or IE/Chrome.

Chrome is my primary test browser since performance in FireFox is not what I expected. It's playing once and then stopping.
In response to Higoten
Higoten wrote:
I had experienced some problems with looping music in the past in the Webclient ( ID:1744770 ), which I believe still happens. But if I recall correctly, it was only with Mozilla Firefox while using mids; It had otherwise worked OK with other sound files or IE/Chrome.

I can't get MIDI to play in FF or Chrome, period. I assume I need some sort of plugin since anything Windows Vista or newer has no access to MIDI control of any sort without some sort of plugin or device specifically meant to handle MIDI.

Also, having re-tested in Firefox on another machine, music repeats fine there. Chrome - still no repeat.
I'm not sure how our ext.js library for music handles MIDIs, although my understanding is that Chrome requires a flag set.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm not sure how our ext.js library for music handles MIDIs, although my understanding is that Chrome requires a flag set.

The flag is chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi and it is no longer present in the latest Chrome that I can see.
In response to Khyberkitsune
Khyberkitsune wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm not sure how our ext.js library for music handles MIDIs, although my understanding is that Chrome requires a flag set.

The flag is chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi and it is no longer present in the latest Chrome that I can see.

It appears that MIDI is now natively supported in Chrome, as of at least April of this year.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Khyberkitsune wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm not sure how our ext.js library for music handles MIDIs, although my understanding is that Chrome requires a flag set.

The flag is chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi and it is no longer present in the latest Chrome that I can see.

It appears that MIDI is now natively supported in Chrome, as of at least April of this year.

MIDI is not working in Chrome, for some reason.