BYOND Version:509.1306
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 46.0.2490.64
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Before you could connect using links like or you know, local lan ips.

Recently that seems to have stopped working, it gets stuck at the last bit of loading resources and never goes in to the world.

The only thing I found was a 500 error and Quit: code 10 in the console

I tested with local IPs so I know it's working for me. However code 10 is the ban code. (It ought to be spitting out more details than that, though.)
ok, I see whats going on...

I do have a deamon ban on myself from testing something, but the in game code should be letting me walk past it as i'm an admin and admins are allowed to walk past deamon bans

Could it be that isbanned()'s override isn't being respected. its not a global ban, apply to this game only is checked.
IsBanned() is not allowed to override host bans.
sure it is.

You just call ..() and if it returns a list, you just add enter=1 or what ever that thing is called, then return that. (or just return null)

As long as the "apply to this game only" box is checked, it works. 714c460416eda31820438813d27868617d57067f/code/modules/admin/
I've tested this in DS (using a separate computer since i know localhost connections bypass isbanned() completely), it works
Oh, that's right; I did allow it to override for game-only bans. Host-wide bans not so much.
so ya, web client connections don't respect that i guess. low priority but that should be generalized anyway.
The ban code should be generalized AFAIK. A localhost webclient connection should behave just like a localhost connection between DS and DD--though not the same as a DS-to-itself connection, which always bypasses ban foo.