The Untold Kingdoms

by Wikked_Klwn420
The Untold Kingdoms
New original open world semi sandbox Medieval RPG seen never before!
Did a few things today, nothing too big.

- Added a PvP Protection until level 10, so players have a little time to get use to how things work

- Added an AFK indicator that comes on after 5 minutes of being inactive (After about 45 minutes of being inactive you will get auto booted)

- Added race selection so far there is Human, Orc and Elf (Basic I know :P )

- Each race has it's own little bonuses:
*Human: Each level gets +10 to Max Life and Max Heka
*Orc: Each level gets +15 to Max Life and +5 to Max Heka
*Elf: Each level gets +5 to Max Life and +15 to Max Heka
**All races start out with a buff that raises a stat depending on your race (Human gets Defence bonus, Orc gets Strength bonus, Elf gets Dexterity bonus)

- Changed login screen a tad, character slots now will show Name, Level, and Race for that character, instead of just character name

woah nice bro keep up with the good work