(See the best response by Konlet.)
script = "<STYLE>BODY {background: black; color: white} IMG.icon{width:48;height:48}</STYLE>"

Problem description: So I figured out how to color the text box with the above code. Now I want to know if there is a way to color the stat panels above it. The background color and text just like the text box.

Best response
Refer to winset().

I'm not familiar with winset. Where would it fit into my coding? Where should I place it?
In response to Nothing2Gein
Well, uhm, winset is a global proc.


This is just a simple example for a verb to use winset. If you don't really understand syntax and would like to learn, check out the DM Guide or some basic demos.
Two things on that winset: You don't need quotes around the colors, and you can combine those two winsets into one for more efficiency.
I'm still having a tough time figuring this out. I'm sick of the plan white background and black text of the stat panels. Is winset() the only way to do this?
Nope. You can also set the colors by creating your own custom skin for the game. (You can always copy the default skin as a base.) Then the info control can be edited to change its colors.