(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Problem description:

so I have 64x32 icons but when they show up in stat panels (in this case in the usr.contents panel) they show up minimized, in a 32x32 version, and it looks really weird. Is there anyway to make every icon appear in their original size in the stat panels?

I've tried to mess with tags like BIG, SMALL etc. but I don't really know how those work, and the Guide isn't doing a very good explanatory job (or I'm just kinda slow lol).

Plus, when I use /icon, the output shows a 16x16 version of the icons only. How do i make it so it shows the original icons in the output too? (In this case the verb Say() does "view() << /icon[usr] [usr]says: [msg]", and the usr icon shows up really tiny)

Best response
Statpanel icons are currently limited to world.size or half-size.
Well that's a bummer. what about the output icons?
Output icons are not size-constrained, but they do default to 16x16. You'll have to provide width and height parameters, or setup style rules for them, for this to work.

The \icon macro is a little limited, so I prefer when outputting icons to use the <img> tag directly.
But how do I use that tag to set width and height? I've been trying but the Guide doesn't give a good example so I'm kinda lost

Like where do i put this thing in? IMG.icon {height: 32px; width: 32px}
player << "<img class=icon src=\ref[icon] iconstate=[state] width=32 height=32>"

The CSS you're asking about would go in a <style> section of a .dms file, or in the styles for your output control.
Thank you! works properly now.