(See the best response by Ter13.)
Overall, this is something that I'm working on for the train (transportation) system that I'm putting in a game. There are a few optional additional questions to go along with this, such as if there's a way to make an icon stick to a certain location or color of a tile or the sort. However what I'm going with at the moment is that the train will have three parts, the first being the front. What I'm going to make it do is have the direction that the trainFront face equal the direction that the train is moving. I have at the moment a simple selection of tracks. Ideally, unless stopped, it should be moving at a fixed pace in the direction of the tile, unless it reaches the end of that direction or has been told to change at the next possible tile. The thing that I don't understand is how to I get my object to recognize the tile that it is on. I would also like to know, if the train object ended up being a 32x32 going along a 48x48 along a 16 icon size defined map, how do I get it so that the train must completely enter the 48x48 tile before turning, instead of the moment it reaches the front of the 48x48 or 16 pixels into the 48x48.
Can you show a scale diagram? I can share how I did minecarts in SRDG. It will have curves and stuff to make thing better, but this is what I have while I figure out the movement.
Best response
Sorry. None of my code will help you with this situation. I'm gonna have to bow out of the thread.

Your traincars being longer than your tiles makes this a really difficult problem to solve.
It's not longer than you think. I have several pieces involved, and the train is the same size as the actual track tile.