(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Is it possible to export the entire map as a single png image?

Is there any hidden export functionality I'm missing?

There is not, you'd have to build the image manually. I think someone over on the Off-Topic forum posted some code a while back that did it, but I'm unsure of the exact topic.
In response to Nadrew
Best response
This looks to be it.
i thought byond had an image processing limit of 4096x4096 or something
I developed something like this for SS13 a while ago. It automatically builds a map based on the turfs around, but also caches the result so that it doesn't have to regenerate the PNG if the map hasn't changed.

See game/machinery/computer/ for the relevant file.

In the event something happens to the above URL I'll also post the relevant code here:

var/const/MAX_ICON_DIMENSION = 1024
var/const/ICON_SIZE = 4
var/initialized = FALSE


return "data/minimaps/map_[z]"

// Activate this to debug tile mismatches in the minimap.
// This will store the full information on each tile and compare it the next time you run the minimap.
// It can be used to find out what's changed since the last iteration.
// Only activate this when you need it - this should never be active on a live server!
// #define MINIMAP_DEBUG

/datum/crewmonitor/proc/generateMiniMap(z, x1 = 1, y1 = 1, x2 = world.maxx, y2 = world.maxy)
var/result_path = "[src.getMinimapFile(z)].png"
var/hash_path = "[src.getMinimapFile(z)].md5"
var/list/tiles = block(locate(x1, y1, z), locate(x2, y2, z))
var/hash = ""

var/tiledata_path = "data/minimaps/debug_tiledata_[z].sav"
var/savefile/F = new/savefile(tiledata_path)

// Note for future developer: If you have tiles on the map with random or dynamic icons this hash check will fail
// every time. You'll have to modify this code to generate a unique hash for your object.
// Don't forget to modify the minimap generation code to use a default icon (or skip generation altogether).
for (var/turf/tile in tiles)
if (istype(tile.loc, /area/asteroid) || istype(tile.loc, /area/mine/unexplored) || istype(tile, /turf/simulated/mineral) || (istype(tile.loc, /area/space) && istype(tile, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid)))
temp = "/area/asteroid"
else if (istype(tile.loc, /area/mine) && istype(tile, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid))
temp = "/area/mine/explored"
else if (tile.loc.type == /area/start || (tile.type == /turf/space && !(locate(/obj/structure/lattice) in tile)) || istype(tile, /turf/space/transit))
temp = "/turf/space"
if (locate(/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) in tile)

else if (tile.type == /turf/space)
if (locate(/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) in tile)
temp = "/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk"
temp = "/obj/structure/lattice"
else if (tile.type == /turf/simulated/floor/plating/abductor)
temp = "/turf/simulated/floor/plating/abductor"
else if (tile.type == /turf/simulated/floor/plating && (locate(/obj/structure/window/shuttle) in tile))
temp = "/obj/structure/window/shuttle"
temp = "[tile.icon][tile.icon_state][tile.dir]"

obj = locate(/obj/structure/transit_tube) in tile

if (obj) temp = "[temp]/obj/structure/transit_tube[obj.icon_state][obj.dir]"

if (F["/[tile.y]/[tile.x]"] && F["/[tile.y]/[tile.x]"] != temp)
CRASH("Mismatch: [tile.type] at [tile.x],[tile.y],[tile.z] ([tile.icon], [tile.icon_state], [tile.dir])")
F["/[tile.y]/[tile.x]"] << temp

hash = md5("[hash][temp]")

if (fexists(result_path))
if (!fexists(hash_path) || trim(file2text(hash_path)) != hash)

if (!fexists(result_path))
ASSERT(x1 > 0)
ASSERT(y1 > 0)
ASSERT(x2 <= world.maxx)
ASSERT(y2 <= world.maxy)

var/icon/map_icon = new/icon('html/mapbase1024.png')

// map_icon is fine and contains only 1 direction at this point.

ASSERT(map_icon.Width() == MAX_ICON_DIMENSION && map_icon.Height() == MAX_ICON_DIMENSION)

var/i = 0

for (var/turf/tile in tiles)
if (tile.loc.type != /area/start && (tile.type != /turf/space || (locate(/obj/structure/lattice) in tile) || (locate(/obj/structure/transit_tube) in tile)) && !istype(tile, /turf/space/transit))
if (istype(tile.loc, /area/asteroid) || istype(tile.loc, /area/mine/unexplored) || istype(tile, /turf/simulated/mineral) || (istype(tile.loc, /area/space) && istype(tile, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid)))
new_icon = 'icons/turf/mining.dmi'
new_icon_state = "rock"
new_dir = 2
else if (istype(tile.loc, /area/mine) && istype(tile, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid))
new_icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
new_icon_state = "asteroid"
new_dir = 2
else if (tile.type == /turf/simulated/floor/plating/abductor)
new_icon = 'icons/turf/floors.dmi'
new_icon_state = "alienpod1"
new_dir = 2
else if (tile.type == /turf/space)
obj = locate(/obj/structure/lattice) in tile

if (!obj) obj = locate(/obj/structure/transit_tube) in tile

ASSERT(obj != null)

if (obj)
new_icon = obj.icon
new_dir = obj.dir
new_icon_state = obj.icon_state
else if (tile.type == /turf/simulated/floor/plating && (locate(/obj/structure/window/shuttle) in tile))
new_icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi'
new_dir = 2
new_icon_state = "swindow"
new_icon = tile.icon
new_icon_state = tile.icon_state
new_dir = tile.dir

if (new_icon != old_icon || new_icon_state != old_icon_state || new_dir != old_dir)
old_icon = new_icon
old_icon_state = new_icon_state
old_dir = new_dir

turf_icon = new/icon(new_icon, new_icon_state, new_dir, 1, 0)
turf_icon.Scale(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)

if (tile.type != /turf/space || (locate(/obj/structure/lattice) in tile))
obj = locate(/obj/structure/transit_tube) in tile

if (obj)
obj_icon = new/icon(obj.icon, obj.icon_state, obj.dir, 1, 0)
obj_icon.Scale(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
turf_icon.Blend(obj_icon, ICON_OVERLAY)

map_icon.Blend(turf_icon, ICON_OVERLAY, ((tile.x - 1) * ICON_SIZE), ((tile.y - 1) * ICON_SIZE))

if ((++i) % 512 == 0) sleep(1) // deliberate delay to avoid lag spikes

sleep(-1) // avoid sleeping if possible: prioritize pending procs

// BYOND BUG: map_icon now contains 4 directions? Create a new icon with only a single state.
var/icon/result_icon = new/icon()

result_icon.Insert(map_icon, "", SOUTH, 1, 0)

fcopy(result_icon, result_path)
text2file(hash, hash_path)


So namely what I'm doing is generating an md5 hash of all the tiles on the map. The result is a unique hash that can be easily saved to a file and compared against.

Generating an md5 hash is much faster than generating the map.

"mapbase1024.png" is a 1024x1024 PNG file that contains a space background. I don't draw the main turf (/turf/space) to speed up the drawing process.

What is the point in this, lol.
To remove the definition for MINIMAP_DEBUG and prevent conflicts with other code files. Admittedly it should be left out as a developer should first check if a define is already in use.
In response to NullQuery
NullQuery wrote:
To remove the definition for MINIMAP_DEBUG and prevent conflicts with other code files. Admittedly it should be left out as a developer should first check if a define is already in use.

I mean, within the context of your snippet, MINIMAP_DEBUG isn't even defined, and much less used.
It may be defined (but is commented out) and it is used (ifdef to check if it's used and then saves a file)