BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate
Web Browser:Chrome 47.0.2526.27
Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
On the forums, the link to follow a post doesn't show up on locked posts

I understand the initial logic behind it, if a post is locked, it won't have new posts.

Except, once you think about it, you realize that logic is faulty.

Allow me to present, exhibit A: ID:180952

A locked post can still get new posts by moderators, and even get them on a regular bases.

As the host for one of the largest SS13 servers, I'd like to get notifications of new byond builds, so I was like, "oh hey, I should follow the build info thread! oh wait, i can't."

On top of that, posts could become unlocked and start gaining new posts.

Find thread with a follow link, copy link location, replace the post id in the link, go to that link.

I was able to use this to follow the public build info thread.

(a reminder to all designing interfaces around browse/html windows that just because your code doesn't show the link, doesn't mean that link can't be forged =P)

I do see your logic there; it makes sense for a thread like that.

Follows are temporary, however. It will eventually run out. I think it takes a month of inactivity, though, and hopefully that won't be the case on that thread anymore.
In response to Lummox JR
A simple fix to that is just don't make follows run out on stickied posts, which is pretty reasonable.
In response to Popisfizzy
Might be. I'd have to re-check the query to see. I like the idea of treating sticky posts as special here.