(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
well I have always loved playing BE2 and when he released the source i downloaded it so i could play by myself. and now that i came back to byond i tried running a formerly working copy i don't know whats wrong with it. it has no errors during compiling but when i run it it instantly freezes. i believe this is caused due it not having an update for a long time. i also tried downloading his host files but they don't work either.
Best response
It's hard to say where the source could be going wrong, but as a start I would look for loop_checks in the code. If it's set to 0 anywhere, comment out that line.

For modernizing pre-500 code, you'll also want to look for var names like color (there may be others, but that's the big one), and newer 508 keywords try and throw may possibly show up.