(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
So I'm playing more with BYONDs interface stuff.. is it not possible to output() into a child that was wincloned? I have an output in a child in a window, and I'm wincloning that window-- but output( "Test", "(wincloneid).output" ) is not working.

Suggestions? If I have to create the window in DM I'm going to have to abort this project.
It should definitely be possible. Let's see the code in question and take a look.

Is your output control in the original window actually called "output"?
I should clear up that its in a child.
client/proc/newtab( var/name )
winclone( src, "chatwindow", "chat-[name]" )
winset( src, "chat-[name]", list2params( list( "title" = name ) ) )
winset( src, "chattabs", list2params( list( "tabs" = "+chat-[name]" ) ) )
src << output( "Hello", "chat-[name].history" )

Ignoring the grossness, all of the names match up. It is laid out like this:

(default).chattabs(tabs).chat-[name](a pane).body(this is a child).chat(a pane).history(the output element)
I mean I could make it all in HTML but the point of this was just to play around with the BYOND interface elements.
Edit: Sorry for posting this in the wrong subforum; probably wrongfully pinged you as a result.
Best response
I'll move the thread; no worries. [edit: Or someone else will beat me to it.]

Although I don't know if it's relevant to your issue, I would not use hyphens in control names at all; stick with only identifier characters, as that's the only thing that's truly safe. In fact it's important that you use ckey() on the user name when it becomes part of the control name, just to avoid problems.

var/ck = ckey(name)
winclone(src, "chatwindow", "chat_[ck]")
winset(src, "chat_[ck]", list2params(list("title" = name)))
winset(src, "chattabs", list2params(list("tabs" = "+chat_[ck]")))
src << output("Hello", "chat_[ck].history")
Yeah I figured it'd be unsafe to do that. The plan was to eventually use ckey, though. Thats actually the whole reason I was terribly using list2params, because I was (cough cough too lazy) to remember what the encode proc was called.
However, that didn't resolve my issue.