(See the best response by LordAndrew.)

Problem description:
When I compile my game from several years ago, it compiles without error but the opening screen(a png) loads indefiently so there are infinite amounts of the tile, which covers up the start tiles that are there
You have to give more information than that. We have nothing to work on.
The way BYOND works, there can only be one turf per position, so its not a turf.
Can you be clearer about what this means? What do you mean that it loads indefinitely?
Yes. the code for the turf is
density = 1
layer = 1
Very simple code, but when i login and right click, theres literally an endless amount of them created, which is overlaying the login turfs that are laid there. Only one of them is there on the original map file, and if I run the game pre compiled it works fine. Tell me if that beter explains it
Do you have the /world.turf var set to /turf/Full somewhere?
No, Full is only located in the one location
Are you sure its not objs that are overlaying infinitely?
well in the version that works, If I right click only 1 full is displayed. If i compile and then run, It shows me literally an endless amount of the turf. I'll try to post a pic of both
Best response
It sounds like your project includes maps that were created before the inclusion of world.map_format. The issue can be fixed by either setting world.map_format to TILED_ICON_MAP (NOT recommended), or by deleting and replacing the instances that are duplicating themselves visually.
Unless he has specifically set it to TILED_ICON_FORMAT LordAndrew, that will do nothing because DM defaults to TOPDOWN_MAP
Ok just so I have this right your saying delete the code, compile, then reenter the code/remap it back in and it should be good?
As long as you are recompiling and not explicitly setting the map_format to TILED_ICON_MAP, you should be fine in that regard. This is presuming you've recompiled at all.
Well that fixed one issue, that seemed to stop my look of creating that turf
In response to Somepotato
Somepotato wrote:
Unless he has specifically set it to TILED_ICON_FORMAT LordAndrew, that will do nothing because DM defaults to TOPDOWN_MAP

Back before TOPDOWN_MAP and big icon support, when you placed a big icon on the map with the "Add" tool it would actually create an individual instance on each covered tile with auto-generated icon_states like "1,1" "1,2" "1,3" ect.

If you try to load one of those maps today, now that DM defaults to TOPDOWN_MAP, those states are no longer auto-generated, so each instance falls back to using the full big icon. This results in the full-size big icon being duplicated on each tile, creating an "infinite amounts of the tile" effect (as good a description as any).

The best fix is to just delete those turfs and place them down again, as LordAndrew stated.
Ok final post, (ended up passing out, long day at work). Thank you for the information, currently using the tiled icon map, I am able to get it functioning properly. As I relearn some of the changes from 4.0+, I'll look to get the overlays correctly so I can remove that at another date. Thank you both for all your help
The only issue I had was with the layering, deleting the code and redoing it on the map worked to remove the multiple instances, but I will need to redo the tiles for loading the game ect so they end up on top as the large icon only counts as one space on the area it takes up
In response to DarkCampainger
That definitely makes more sense. I had thought it did it runtime, guess I was mistaken.