(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Up until today I have had no problems running and playing games using byond on my dorm's wireless network, but suddenly I was unable to and have recieved the following error message

"Dreamseeker may be experencing a problem reaching"

after a few seconds, the error goes away and is replaced by

"byond central is not available"

I have already tried reinstalling byond and it hasn't worked.
also note: byond does open but it only runs offline with the message
"The BYOND Hub is currently unreachable. Some functionality will be unavailable"
Best response
The hub is definitely up and running. I would try pinging to see what you get, and also see if that matches the IP address you get from pinging

Also, take a look in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ETC\HOSTS and look to see if there are any lines for there. If there are, delete them. Some people had outdated IP addresses for us that failed recently, because we switched IP addresses some time ago and it seems our host only deactivated the old alias just recently.
ping and both yield the same result

System32\Drives\ETC\HOSTS has nothing from byond in it

when the problem just began it was at the same time someone from the same IP was trying to connect to a server and log into byond, is there any chance that is correlated to it?
I just got home and I no longer have the problem, which means it has to do with the internet I was using
screenshot if it might help