BYOND Version:509
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 47.0.2526.80
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
On any version of Byond I tried, pressing play on SS13 and it didnt load the Dreamseeker page with the ad. Byond would just freeze and stop responding. I tried other games with the same result.:

Dreamseeker opens up and game runs:

Dreamseeker doesnt open and Byond freezes.:

Does the problem occur:
Every time the play button is pressed?
In all games

Downgrading to version 507.1286 appeared to have fixed the issue for now
Try disabling your antivirus temporarily. If this fixes it, you'll need to make an exception for BYOND in your antivirus program, and report the BYOND software hit as a false positive. (This has happened with quite a few Avast users.)
I tried it with Avast completely disabled to no avail
The people who've still had trouble noted that Avast didn't save their settings properly. I still think Avast is causing this, so try poking around a little more.

If you're using Avast Internet Security as well as regular Avast antivirus, disable that too. Disable the web shields and network behavior shields for Avast.
Also, please check the Avast reports as described here. I'd like to know if you find anything in your web shield or network behavior shield corresponding to the times you tried to play.
The problem seems to be with the ads. I had someone disable the ads and the problem completely went away.
I don't think the ads are all of it. Another user tonight reported that Avast blocked the uninstaller, and Dream Seeker wasn't working for users even when launched from Dream Maker--which doesn't play an ad.
I've tried playing SS13 as well and it literally crashes, tried other games, same result..I have avast...
Mike, add BYOND's programs to the exclusion list and report the false positive to Avast. Once they get enough reports they can stop freaking out about BYOND.
Worked like a charm LJR, Totheark, I don't know about you but I have BYOND in my documents folder but It holds different types of files. My .exe files were actually downloaded into my ProgramFiles folder. Typically the .exe should have saved to your ProgramFiles(x86) Folder under :C. That may be the reason why It hasn't worked for you. You may be choosing the wrong folder. I know it didn't for me but If you have the BYOND.exe on your desktop you can right click it and select open file location to figure out where it's located it. Make sure you select the entire folder in Avast