(See the best response by ZedZull.)
Hi it's crono here
I wanted to know if anyone could give me some basic coding about some rpg stuff and explaining how to use it

Such as turf type thing


Does not seem to work because of the new update

I've been wanting to create my own game for years now so I beg of anyone out there is there a way u could explain how to make
Turf,shop keepers,monsters,players,skills such as mining,crafting and etc

If u can I will be in ur debt
Best response
You should check out the Developers page and the Tutorials & Snippets section, both of which contain many links to tutorials, demos, the reference, and more.

For your specific example, you should note that the programming language is case-sensitive, so names such as turf, icon, and icon_state are all lower case and therefore different from what you posted.

I'm using a phone so forgive me on the caps
I use my labtop to code so everything is lower case but it simply won't work but I will go somewhere with my labtop and try to find Internet

I would really like to create a great game and post it on byond for everyone to and thank u for ur help
We could take a look at the mining system together: I've got two objects, diamond & chunk—I want chunks to come out from the diamond when I click on it.

I've conceptualized this as: reprogramming the click function within my diamond, to generate a new chunk using a for loop.

Now I'm struggling to produce a popping sensation, cos I want my chunks to spawn randomly given a -32,32 radius.

But how :O