(See the best response by Ter13.)
Its been a while since ive been on byond and i forgot its code cuz i was learning java and i need help with this how do i remove these
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If you have a custom skin, the map control by default will have zoom=0 (size to fit). The default skin's map control has this unless it's been set, in the menu, to a specific icon size.
Best response
ter13 it doesnt work for me lol

More information would be helpful. Do you have a custom skin? If not, is the map set to stretch to fit, or is it using 32x32 mode (1:1 zoom)?
i am using 32x32 not stretch to fit
do u have teamviewer
If you're using 32x32 then switch to Stretch to Fit, and the map will expand to fit the space.
ok ill try it
but my base icon looks weird when i do that
all my icons look weird
You asked how to get rid of the black space around your backdrop; stretch-to-fit will do that.

If you want a solution where you can scale the backdrop but not your other icons, that's something else entirely. Either way I'm gonna move this thread to Developer Help, since it's a code or skin issue.

Also: Can you define "looks weird"?
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Stretch to fit is a bad solution for 100% of games.

^This post goes in depth for how to properly set how your game's resolution to any reasonable size.

If you can't get it to work, I'm going to need better information to help you than "It doesn't work".
It looks like you may be in software rendering mode. Try switching to hardware mode and it should look a lot better.
Since the change I made a while back to improve the stretching algorithm mitigated most of the problems involved with stretching (in hardware mode, anyway), I respectfully disagree that it's bad for all games. I do think there's a case to be made that it's not so good for certain kinds of games.
switching the rendering modes doesnt work
Ter13 it seems that the code does not do anything for me and also there is one bug
loading Interface\Interface.dmf
Interface\ client.interface.buffer_x: undefined var

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