(See the best response by Ter13.)
Okay so my attack works fine, but there is one thing that is bothering me.
I need help making the attack verb start the "clothes" attack animation,
so it's not just the body making the animation.

How can I do this?
There's lots of ways you can do this. I would just have the icon_state of anything equipped update to the main icon_state, but here's a simplified version:

I'd suggest using a list.
mob/var/list/equipped[] = new

You don't have to initialize the list right away like that, but for explanatory reasoning I'll do it.
for(var/A in equipped)

EDIT: Don't do this, I haven't worked with overlays in a long time.
Best response
@Konlet: That solution is really terrible advice.

1) It won't work for anything that's an overlay, because overlays are immutable.

2) It will generate a bunch of objects that have to be moved on top of the player, which is going to cause all kinds of CPU issues with built-in movement. Stacked objects that move as a unit are a terrible idea except where they can't be avoided.

3) It's a solution that doesn't need to be done because it solves a problem that is created by another problem. It'd be better to fix the first problem than use that workaround.

If the icon that is used for clothing has a matching icon state as the flick state, it will also perform the flick.

To make the clothes do the attack as well as the body, you need to make sure that the clothing has the exact same icon_state layout as the body's icon.
Worked like a charm, Thank you Ter13.