// testing byond 510
screen_loc = "1, 1"
plane = 2
blend_mode = BLEND_MULTIPLY
appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER | NO_CLIENT_COLOR
alpha = 255
color = list(null,null,null,null,"#333")
mouse_opacity = 0

plane = 2
blend_mode = BLEND_ADD
icon = 'spotlight.dmi' // a 96x96 white circle
pixel_x = -32
pixel_y = -32

var obj/lighting_plane/l = new
client.screen += l
client.color = "#649"
overlays += /image/spotlight

Problem description:

Aside from the player login, this is basically a spitting image-copy of the example found in the reference entry for appearance_flags.

The problem is, I'm only seeing results from the line changing client.color. The rest of the code isn't producing the expected lighting effect.

Any ideas? Appreciate any insight ahead of time.
The reference has been updated because the original example only worked due to a compiler bug. Change #333 to #333f. The plane needs full alpha.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
The reference has been updated because the original example only worked due to a compiler bug. Change #333 to #333f. The plane needs full alpha.

My bad. The reference has "#333f"; I was playing around with the list to get results and forgot to change it back. Same result however.
Something told me to check my display setting in Options and Messages. That was the issue.
