Not Feasible
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Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
Would it be possible to make it so that when compilation happens, only files edited since the last compilation (specifically code files, not map files, as those would likely be more difficult to do this with) would be compiled? (Basically like makefiles with languages like C or C++, or with project files like with GCC, Clang, and MSVC, with the compiler/linker thing)

Something like this, given effort put into it (if it were to ever happen), would speed up compilation times a fair bit, so I can see developers (like myself) enjoying this becoming a thing.
Lummox pls
This would be cool, but I seem to [very vaguely] remember this being suggested before and that it wasn't feasible.
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
Would it be possible to skip over the map unless it's been modified? :(
I don't see how, since the dmb is rebuilt from the ground up each time, it would have to preserve the map from a previous compile and I don't see that being trivial.
The reason this was closed with such haste is that the DM compiler is simply not built for incremental compiling, like a C compiler is. There's no intermediate "object" file that stores compiled code. There probably would be if the language had been developed in yacc, a fact Tom has lamented many times.