This was a webclient week, but an important Dream Seeker fix went into version 510.1326 as well. When I first released 510, the webclient didn't have its graphical features. I'm pleased to say that now 510 is all caught up. Additionally, I've been able to shore up some regressions that appeared as a result of migrating to a new version of StageXL under the hood.

Today's new release also fixes a client.eye bug that the webclient has had for quite a while. But the main reason I put it out was that I was seeing some weird JavaScript errors when trying to load the webclient in some cases, and those disappeared with the newer version, so I figured it'd be good to get everyone an updated build for that before the weekend.

Also in 510.1327, although not currently documented because there's no use for it yet, I've added a new feature to .dms files:

splash = 'myimage.png'
color = "#ff0000"

This doesn't actually do anything in Dream Seeker, but has the potential to be a big deal down the road. All this config section is, is a way for you to specify some config strings that might be useful. (None of the keywords I listed are meant to be official for that section, at least not yet. Right now it doesn't really do anything.) The reason I added this is so that I can pull some info in the pre-load query on the frontend of the webclient, which may be useful later. When I tackle that, I'll firm up some possible config keywords.

With 510 stabilizing nicely, I have a couple of important items in mind. One of them is that I'm thinking of de-stabilizing it temporarily, by which I mean I want to mess with some things under the hood that may eke out a few performance gains for big games. Also there's the nagging issue (and boy howdy, do I mean nagging) of big icon visibility, and I'm slowly working toward a solution for that; that's tricky because the plan I had in mind is, I think, crap, but the code I'm working on now is going to be required for any solution.

Another item is that it's really long past time to give the webclient frontend some love, particularly regarding full-screen support and logins. That's also one of the reasons I put in that config section for .dms files; I figure it can provide some nice info that can be used for improved styling.

A number of developers are already putting the new lighting stuff to good use. I saw a post on SS13's Reddit yesterday showing that off a little bit, and if you haven't been watching the "Show me what you got" thread in On Topic, you're missing out on some cool stuff. If those images don't inspire you, you might be dead inside. But if you're dead won't miss a few bucks, so you can become a BYOND Member and skip ads before your favorite zombie action game. It's a win-win.
Nothing but good news. I'm not too sure what the config feature would do but keep up the good work.
In response to Exentriks Gaming
Exentriks Gaming wrote:
Nothing but good news. I'm not too sure what the config feature would do but keep up the good work.

Think of it as laying groundwork for a custom splash.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Exentriks Gaming wrote:
Nothing but good news. I'm not too sure what the config feature would do but keep up the good work.

Think of it as laying groundwork for a custom splash.

Nice about Full Screen support. That's something I have been aiming to do for some time.

It should especially come in handy for more advanced WebGL/DM projects.