
Problem description:

So I've been away from byond for a little over six months. Not much access for all my accounts, and I got a new computer recently so I decided it was time to load everything on it...

Which is where my problem starts: Every account i've tried to get into works, except for one. "PragmaticConundrum" Is suspended for some reason, and pretty much all attempts at getting at it or shorted out by me not knowing the email, and the prompt i'm presented with not really providing much in the way of info besides "Current Email Address", or "Original Email Address."

Neither of which are actually shown, So I have no IDEA which email i've linked it to.

Here's to hoping someone here can help me out with this! That account is probably one of my actively used, and houses a lot more than the others.

You'll need to send a support ticket using the proper link from the Contact Us page.