(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
How do i remove this account since the name was misspelt and i cant make a new one with the same email address. I dont have any other emails and i dont want to make one just for this account. i made a post a while ago and got replied that you cant change your name.
Bear in mind using disposable email to create an account is a terrible idea. Many users who've done so have found themselves in a bad spot when they later forgot their password.
This really does not help...
You can deactivate the account by going to manage account.

In response to Coolsuf6
Best response
If you create a new account, I can change its email afterward if you send in a support request.
In response to Lummox JR
Its ok i just change the email to my gmail account and made this new account with my yahoo account (main) its ok. Is there a way yo can edit my account so that it has the same dates and that from my old one?