Dragon-Ki Online

by S10Games
Dragon-Ki Online
Join our wonderful community! https://discord.gg/xnRXs3j
In fact the reason I can generalize the Byond community as one is BECAUSE of the fact that I play many many games in every genre. At the end of the day, they're all pretty much the same.

You notice it more in the Dragonball community because it's a larger community so naturally there are a larger number of "Toxic" people, and there is plenty of Toxicity within the SS13 community as well. The same as people who say the United States is stupid. This is false, there's just more people in the United States, and stupid people tend to be louder than smarter people so it seems that way. When the fact is, some of the smartest people in the world come from the U.S.
I'l just enable the Spider effect on those games and instant ban all the toxic players. O,..,O Problem solved. My Spider list is 500+Keys.
That's always possible ofc, but then no one could play your game and chances are it would die off. Sometimes you need conspiracy, toxicity and the like.

Anyways, I wasn't trying to offend you. Just saying, not the best idea to keep giving people the light of day when they question you about Dragon-Ki especially when you have no plans on bringing it back. Most ARE just trolls and trying to upset you.

I liked your work, and I do hope to see more.
share ur source dont let a game just go in trash hate to see games leave
Bring back your game. Or bring out a new dbz game better then the last one. No good games out there
Plz Zasif!
Better yet make a poll to see if people want the game back or a update or a band new system or w.e
Give Bun the source code because he is a sensible adult o_-
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