(See the best response by Ter13.)
is it possible to flick() or something simular but only through certain frames of the animation? If not how could I make this possible? I've tried running through with a loop making a new icon at each frame specified but this of course doesn't affect any overlays, nor does it follow the animation as expected.. Maybe I'm going back it the wrong way.

Anim(Player/P, IS, startFrame, endFrame, frameTime=1)

for(var/i=startFrame, i<=endFrame, i++)

var icon/I = new(P.icon, IS, P.dir, i)
P.icon = I

sleep frameTime

P.icon = initial(P.icon)

Best response
is it possible to flick() or something simular but only through certain frames of the animation?

Not at this time.

If you break up the icon's frames into individual icon_states, you can generate a dynamic client-side animation for the object by flipping through the icon_states using animate()


animate()'s not quite as efficient as just jamming an extra icon_state into the file for your modified animation, but it's one way of going about it.
That makes me pretty sad, oh well. I'll just have to stick to the old fashioned way and make pointless icon states..

Appreciate your help though, thanks.
I'll just have to stick to the old fashioned way and make pointless icon states..

511 is coming up. A well-outlined feature request would be promptly considered by Lummox.

I said well outlined. Not snide, abusive, and openly ignorant.