Oh jeez, it's been a while since I've worked with this code. Looking at the code now, I use a combination of a canvas and clipboard events, with element focus and content-editable divs for IE. I also use Topic() and such on the BYOND and browser side (thanks Ter13 for teaching me that this stuff exists via your Stretch to Fit tutorial).
In response to The Magic Man
The Magic Man wrote:
Grabbing input text like that is so much more effort than it has any right being with BYOND.

I feel the reason a lot of BYOND games are stuck using interface elements and pop up boxes to get text is just because of how difficult doing something like that is. Especially when you consider it's a minor feature in many games.

All of that man q.q
In response to Ter13
Ter13 said:
These days, I'm fleshing out my private UI library a little more, which primarily uses genericized HUD objects on the server with minimal support from full-alpha input elements.

Any plans to ever make that public?
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