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So I can make parallax without having to loop through every clients every time an atom moves.


Well here I'd use it for parallax but I'm sure such a feature could be used to easily produce all sorts of nice clientside effects.
client.virtual_eye isn't recalculated until the maps are sent, so I don't know how feasible this would be. But it seems like parallax could be achieved via other means now, with plane masters.
That's a shame. Thank you anyway for answering so quickly.

I guess we'll have to do some tests to see how a server with many clients can handle it.
Well I AM using plane masters for the parallax in the OP's webm.

The problem right now is not to get parallax working, it's to get it to update whenever players move (or when the object that their client.eye is stuck to moves).

I've come pretty far with all that, and made a PR if you feel like having a look with what I've achieved with the new planes from BYOND 510:
Is there really a better way to do parallax, other than screen objects that adjust when the client moves, using plane masters?

Drumming around byonds forums that method seemed to be the consensus for achieving parallax before planes were implemented. And a hook/event like the OP described would make it more easily feasible as something like a library without requiring extremely strict code practices involving move()ing things that contain a client eye. But, I haven't seen any new proposed implementations making use of plane masters yet to achieve this.

I know you said earlier on a different post:
"For that matter, a lower plane might be transformable in a way that could allow for parallax backgrounds or something. I'm not saying that'd be a definite thing I aim to support, but the potential might be there."
But I'm still not sure how to achieve that effect now that it should be theoretically possible. Are we talking about a matrix transformation on a plane master?

I'm just tossing the ball around on the idea if that's all right