Would i be able to use something like this to try to open a port via upnp on the router for the host when the world opens a port? i don't really need any examples i just want to know if it can be done.

My project isn't to a point to where it needs this, I'm just trying to plan for future features.

TL;DR: No. DreamSeeker depends on IE. Unless your user is running IE11, odds are you aren't going to be running Node.js from DS. There is a flash fallback, but again, your users are not likely to have flash installed with IE.

You might be able to do it from a C DLL. But you are going to have to ask the user for permission.
Thanks for the feedback Ter, I thought so, i found an open source C program that will do this but then again it would have to ask for permission. kinda wanted this to go unseen and just be like a perk for the host if they have a upnp compatible router.