we have a verb, like this:

/datum/admins/proc/create_admin_fax2(var/department in alldepartments)

When called, it brings up a list of options, and you can pick one for it to execute.

What i'd like to do though, is allow the user to select more than one option from the list. Possibly even to select them all. This would presumably feed a new list into the function with the options we picked.

Is that possible to do? if so, how?
If not, are there any alternate solutions for implementing multiple choices natively, before we start messing with HTML forms?
Your options are using a grid interface element, or using an HTML form.

You can also post a feature request, because it would be nice to have this native.
Can you elaborate on the grid interface element?
You can use a grid control to kind of emulate a multi-select dialog. However, it would involve pretty much implementing the entire behavior of the control yourself. It wouldn't be very pretty.

I do something similar (but with a dropdown-list) in this demo.