(See the best response by Lummox JR.)

Problem description: Pretty much, if I want to use custom fonts {such as the ones I see on the google fonts page} how would I go about including them into my game?

On top of this, assuming I don't figure this out myself in enough time.

For text strongs, I really hate having to make long lines that stretch out. Is there anyway I could compact it?

For example. Instead of this.

text string = "[Insert Long Ass Line]

///I'd much prefer something lines of

text string = "[insert]"
"[text string]"

text_string = {"
text string

I'm confused about your first question. I think you should brush up on html and CSS, that might help what you need.
The first question is simple.

For any text, you can wrap it with html code. For example and so forth. I believe you can even change the font faces.

But want is to know how I can install some custom fonts for use.
Best response
If you want to use those fonts in something like an output control, or another control besides the browser, you'll need to have a .ttf file and put it in single quotes so that it becomes a resource for your game. Then BYOND will temporarily load the font when the game is running.
In single quotes? Like for example.

#include '[filename].tff'

That? ---

Nvm. I got it.