Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value. made me investigate the SSL situation here a bit more.

- The whole site *works* via HTTPS, provided you use (which is redirected to from, but interestingly not from
- Every link on a page loaded via HTTPS will just take you back to an HTTP page.
- is just a CNAME for

The forum *should* be usable over SSL; the certificate you're using is a wildcard already, so you wouldn't need another cert for, and your webserver can already serve pages over HTTPS; the only issue is that every link is explicitly set to use the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS;
For example, the "Forums" link, right at the top, is
<a class="mainmenu" href=""><span class=menu_center></span><span>Forums</span></a>

when it should be
<a class="mainmenu" href="/forum/"><span class=menu_center></span><span>Forums</span></a>

Ideally the whole site would be accessible via SSL, without having to edit the URL every time you loaded a page.
at this stage you might as well redirect http to https.
For the time being, you can use a userscript set to run at document-start to force the page into the https version of the site no matter what, you do end up loading the original page to the point of the javascript (line 1) but it seems to work.

// ==UserScript==
// @name HTTPS Force
// @namespace BYOND
// @version 0.1
// @description Force HTTPS
// @author Nadrew
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

if(window.location.protocol != "https"){
window.location.href = "https:" + window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length);

Only runs on the http side of the site, so it won't be embedded at all on the https side.
In response to Nadrew
I did a bit of tweaking and found a better way to do it:

// ==UserScript==
// @name HTTPS Force
// @namespace BYOND
// @version 0.1
// @description Force HTTPS
// @author Nadrew & GinjaNinja32
// @match **
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

if(window.location.href.match(/^http:/)) {
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/^http:/, "https:");

var links = document.links;
for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
links[i].href = links[i].href.replace(/^http:\/\/(?:www.)?\//, "");

Essentially, instead of realising we clicked an link, it replaces the http:// links with https:// before you even see them. No loading the HTTP page then reloading to the HTTPS this way.

edit: added your http-to-https part back in; it's useful if you navigate or are linked directly to the HTTP version.
Chrome is still hiding the green marker because form targets are still http.
It's not perfect (it still doesn't show the green marker), but the following fixes the forms too. Chromium doesn't seem to notice it was changed, hence the lack of green marker.

// ==UserScript==
// @name BYOND HTTPS Force
// @namespace BYOND
// @version 0.1
// @description Force HTTPS
// @author Nadrew & GinjaNinja32
// @match **
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

function replaceWithSecure(text) {
return text.replace(/^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?byond\.com\//, "");

if(window.location.href.match(/^http:/)) {
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/^http:/, "https:");

var i;

var links = document.links;
for(i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
links[i].href = replaceWithSecure(links[i].href);

var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for(i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
forms[i].action = replaceWithSecure(forms[i].action);
why not make the forum ssl by default?
This is just a way to get it that way without having to wait for Lummox to update the website (which is a bit trickier than you'd expect)
In response to GinjaNinja32
For some reason GreaseMonkey on FireFox didn't parse the @match block correctly on my end so I had to change it to *://**