Wingets can now be embedded into skin commands like map.on-show, button.command, etc., by using [[id.parameter]]. This is similar to the [[*]] syntax supported for some other specialty commands. If the embedded winget is surrounded on both sides by double-quote characters, the text will be escaped (newlines turned to \n, etc.); otherwise, it will be left alone.
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (513.1503)

This issue has been resolved.
[[*]] is the default argument supplied to a verb.

[[value]] is the parameter of the element that the verb is triggered from (macro, map, window, menu, etc)

[[element.value]] is an arbitrary access of any parameter of any element.

[[..value]] is the arbitrary access of the parent element's parameter the verb is triggered from.

Since verbs are sent from the client-side, this would effectively remove the need to do a winget() immediately following a verb. This could be used to prevent client->server->client->server->client communication for maintaining ui elements in DM.

Basically, if you need to know something about a ui element when calling a verb, you have to trigger the verb, calling client->server. Then you have to perform a winget(), which makes the chain now client->server->client->server, then send a winset() to make your final changes, completing the cycle as: client->server->client->server->client.

With the ability to send the values as embedded arguments the moment the verb is triggered and parsed on the client, the chain would become:

client->server for the verb call and argument parse bit, then the processing and winset() would result in a total chain of client->server->client. Better, no?
[[time]] would be great to have as well for getting correct movement timings, especially at low tickrates.
Dang, I can't believe I never commented on this. Might make a good last-minute 513 addition.

(I literally have $15. Send help.)
Question on formatting: Currently I have some very rudimentary checking to see if the [[expression]] is already inside quotes or not. In non-quoted mode, a string or color gets quotes put around it, numbers are left alone, and position/size values get split into two space-separated numbers for easy verb parsing.

Is this reasonable or should I do it a different way? And currently the quote detection is literally just checking for " on both sides of the double brackets.
That seems entirely reasonable. So if I get the gist of what you are saying, is that if my command text is:

onResized [[mainwnd.size]]

The correct verb argument format would be:

onResize(width as num, height as num)

Yep, that's right.

I'm not sure if my quote parsing ought to be more robust or not.
Honestly, I'd leave the user room to hang themselves, but splitting the compound strings into separate args is a huge boilerplate remover.
Works for me; I'm down for allowing some self-hanging.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Wingets can now be embedded into skin commands like map.on-show, button.command, etc., by using [[id.parameter]]. This is similar to the [[*]] syntax supported for some other specialty commands. If the embedded winget is surrounded on both sides by double-quote characters, the text will be escaped (newlines turned to \n, etc.); otherwise, it will be left alone.